Flushing the Hydraulic Power Steering System

The hydraulic power steering system of the steering rack is sealed - it must not allow air, moisture, or dust to enter. Only in this case can the hydraulic fluid effectively perform its functions: transmit the necessary pressure to the piston, lubricate system components, and prevent heat transmission.
Even without external influences, the hydraulic power steering system wears out over time, especially if the driver is careless with the car. As a result:
- Parts of elements break down, and microscopic particles of metal dust enter the fluid.
- Rubber technical details wear out, disrupting the system's seal.
- High-temperature reactions occur, altering the oil quality.
- Hoses and pipes may rupture.
All of these factors contribute to the system losing its seal over time. Additionally, air can enter the hydraulic power steering if the oil is changed without adhering to the proper procedure.
The solution to this problem is flushing the hydraulic power steering system.
How to Flush Hydraulic Power Steering
Air in the power steering system is dangerous because it:
- Completely changes the characteristics of the drive.
- Makes steering effort uneven - the driver cannot maneuver precisely.
- Causes the steering wheel to lock in extreme left or right positions, making the car impossible to drive.
Steps to Remove Air from the System:
- Lift the car on a hoist or suspend the front wheels.
- Check for hose ruptures and ensure that yokes and couplings are securely tightened.
- Fill the reservoir with fluid up to the maximum level.
- Start the car for a few seconds to let the fluid circulate through the system. Top up the fluid to the maximum and start the car again.
- Fill the reservoir to the maximum, start the engine, monitor the oil level, and add oil as needed.
- When the oil stops flowing significantly, turn the steering wheel left and right to the end several times.
- Turn off the car and repeat this process every 5-10 minutes.
If there are no bubbles on the surface of the fluid in the reservoir, there is no air in the system - you can close the cap.
How to Know When to Flush the Hydraulic Power Steering SystemFlushing the hydraulic power steering is the first thing to do if:
- The power steering makes noise.
- Bubbles appear in the reservoir.
- The steering wheel turns spontaneously or becomes difficult to turn.